Sunday, March 29, 2020

We have Maniacs in Charge and Masked Imbecilles following

Not good. The Stupid Masked Zombie Sheep  will line  up with Glee for their  Government Loves Me  Invade my Body with your Unknown Whatever it is  Big Pharma Miracle cure for the sniffles - which in reality blowing snot IS Harmless FUN! I want the Virus  because it’s to my advantage:
I love to pick my nose and discover the exciting large buggers that inhabit it. Just like warts and scabs and age spots..... interesting Human  shit!
“ Colds are the ultimate fantasy” ,  we  get to lay on the couch, indulge in technology, get out of going to work or anything else we don’t want to do PLUS.  We get to eat soup, ice cream and  drink  booze!

Fuck the Bureaucrats who think they own us! They are  now and forever the dullest, most boring,  dickless and lifeless Party Poopers on the Planet,
 Laugh at and Ridicule your “ Masters” 

Freedom is more fun than Slavery

Got Corona virus? Eat soup and drink a Corona,,

This whole  so called Corona virus thing is nothing but a big hoax to enslave the masses and bleed us of our last nickel. 
Unfortunately it appears to be working- as  many if not most of the  Sheeple gladly close their businesses, churches, gyms, restaurants  and bars, schools and everything deemed  “unnecessary”  by their Rulers, as well as avoid friends , neighbors, fellow workers, relatives  and Even their Mother’s in nursing homes,  Funerals and Weddings, sports, Mount Everest, the KentuckyDerby and the Olympics to name a  chosen few as well as all travel worldwide.... for the sake of a runny nose and cough  AKA the common cold , which has been with us since human life began,  What was left of individual  liberty ,  common sense and  intelligence and self respect and love of life and all that is good simply vanished about a month ago as our Rulers make arbitrary rules  daily that affect everything we do,

THERES SOMETHING WRONG HERE  - Fellow Earthlings and it is not the So called Corona virus you should fear or  that is going to kill you  :

 Mass stupidity , lack of intelligence  and rational thinking,  combined with  blind obedience to authority , amoung  other things, is  the real culprit here!

Don’t  people ever learn? Apparently Not !!


Want Truth? Read this Blog.....

Read this Blog- Gary D